Easter Flowers are for Sale!
Click here to place your order for Easter lilies, hydrangeas, and azaleas
Wednesday Nights:
7:00: Chancel Choir– Join us for sacred choral music for mixed voices. Adults and qualified high school students are welcome. Contact Jamie for info.
5:30: Children’s Choirs- Laurie Orth will lead the Cherub Choir and Sawyer Branham will lead the Junior choir.
Coffee Fellowship
On your way to Sunday school or worship, please join us on Sunday mornings for coffee in the Fellowship Hall.
The NGUMC Homeless Offering: A Shelter of Hope for Those in Need
For thirty-five years, The Homeless Offering has provided support and shelter to individuals facing homelessness in North Georgia. The Housing and Homeless Council is proud that every dollar contributed goes back out into local communities to fund essential grants for local churches and nonprofit organizations. We invite you to visit NGHHC.org to learn more about the recipients of these grants and the impactful work your support helps to sustain.
You can donate today through St. John by including the memo “NGA Homeless offering” on your contribution, choosing the Offering on Secure Give, or directly at NGHHC.org/support-us.
The next DCCM Food Distribution will be April 19th.
Lake Workday
Saturday, March 29th 3-5 pm at the St. John Lake Property
12553 Hwy 28 S. Clarks Hill, SC
Bring gloves and yard equipment if you have a specific tool you’d like to use, some tools will be available for use.
Stay for fellowship with a potluck picnic afterwards! Hot dogs and bottled water provided, bring chips, fruit, or an easy side dish to share if you’d like.
Questions? Contact Jessica or Nick Bull.
Help Out For Easter!
Donate individually wrapped candies for our Easter Egg Hunt by March 30th
We still need 5 volunteers to help coordinate, set up, or clean up Easter Breakfast
Into the Holy, Into the Healing
Do you have more pain in your heart than love? Let’s change that together. Into the Holy, Into the Healing is a workshop about relationship taught by Kevin Sharpe.
Join us, on Saturday, April 26, from 9:00-1:00 in the St. John Fellowship Hall
St. John Grounds and Gardens Work Days
8am- 12pm
May 10
Please bring garden tools, gloves, and water!
Holy Week
April 13- Palm Sunday
Meet in the courtyard at 10:45 for procession of the palms
April 17- Maundy Thursday
Supper at 6:00
Worship at 7:00
April 18- Good Friday
Worship at 7:00
April 20- Easter Sunday
Breakfast at 9:00
Sunday School at 10:00
Easter Egg Hunt at 10:30
Sunday Morning Worship at 11:00
Lenten Connections
You’re invited to connect with God and neighbor this Lent through study, movement, fellowship, prayer, and service.
Leadership Board: March 23, 12:15pm
Hurricane Town Hall Meeting: March 26, 5:15pm
UMC Global Ministries
Support the humanitarian response in Ukraine through UMCOR https://umcmission.org/umcor/ukraine/
Flower Calendar
If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary in honor or in memory of someone, please contact Beth Dixon or the Church office. We do have open dates in the next few weeks.