Studies on faith, discipleship, Methodism, and more.
We offer Sunday morning worship service, various short-term bible studies, and Sunday School throughout the year!
Children and Youth Classes
Crib Nursery – Room 103 Birth – 2 years More information is in our Nursery Brochure.
We are updating our Nursery Rosters! If you would like to register your child for the nursery, please click here.
Toddler Nursery – Room 105 – Ages 2 –4 years
Early Elementary School – Rom 109 Pre- K to 2nd grade
Older Elementary – Room 126 3rd-5th Grade
Middle School and High School Youth – Room 107
Adult Sunday School Classes
We offer a variety of Sunday School classes for multi-generational interests. All are welcome to join us for fellowship, study, and discussion on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Covenant Discipleship Group – meets in the library at 9 a.m. Modeled on Wesley’s class meeting,
A small group of church members who covenant with one another to perform certain spiritual disciplines, including daily Bible reading, prayer, care of the body and the world, and seeking the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Members are accountable to each other each week for their success or failure in meeting their commitments. The group has been meeting every Sunday since 1991.
Additional Offerings:
Throughout the year we offer a variety of small group topical studies on faith, discipleship, Methodism, and more, including Disciple Bible Study. These groups often meet on Wednesday nights. Please contact Pastor Jenny or the Church Office if you are interested in a particular topic or in starting a small group study.